For my last DC post I thought I would share a few random shots. There are not enough of each grouping to make a complete blog post. But there are quite a few when grouped together. So this is a long post. Have fun! :)
The first 3 photo's are from The American History Museum and the Natural History Museum. The Hope Diamond was pretty cool to see. The history of the diamond is written on the walls. My favorite Hope Diamond fact: the diamond was stolen and exactly 1 day after the statue of limitations from prosecution was up . . . the diamond resurfaced. 

I can't remember the history behind this boat . . . . but I remember that its old :)
And of course I had to get a shot of Kermit!!
This was as close as I got to the White House this trip to DC
For some reason this photo makes me giggle
The Vietnam Memorial is an amazing, emotional place
One of our stops took us to a Bonsai exhibit. I found this tree with two-toned bark very interesting.
My favorite part of the Bonsai exhibit was the little people they put in with the trees.
This tiny little building reminds me of my boy's favorite TV show "The Last Air Bender"
We spent a little time in the sculpture garden . . . I think this one looks like the Death Star
The next 3 photo's I'm putting on the blog in honor of my son Dawson. He loved flying and anything to do with space. I had reservations about going into the Air and Space Museum because I knew it would be hard. But I wasn't prepared for how hard it was. I went straight to the Wright Brothers exhibit. I wanted to see the first airplane. As soon as I walked into the room and started reading the history of the Wright Brothers I started crying. My son would have loved this room. He would have loved seeing what all went into making the first airplane fly.
An actual lunar landing module built by NASA . . . . and The Spirit of St. Louis
The last several photos are from the National Zoo
One of these day's I'll get to see a peacock with his feathers on display
I've never seen a real panda before. It was kinda fun to watch him eat the bamboo
A momma gorilla and her baby
We could hear the lions roaring before we saw them.
These were the most active lions I've ever seen at a zoo. In the photo below the younger lion is starting a wrestling match with the older lion. :)