While in Hawaii I had the opportunity to take a "LOST" tour. For 5 hours I rode around in a Humvee (yes we did go off road) checking out places where the the TV shot Lost was filmed. Being a big fan of the show (I own all 6 seasons on DVD) I had a blast!! To see places like Locke's Dad's house, the place where Jacobs cabin was, the Other's island, the dock, Hurley's golf course and many other places was so cool.
There are a lot of pictures . . . . sorry I had a hard time choosing. If you make it to the end, you'll see the fun photo's the tour guide took. :)

In the photo above you can see The Other's island. Also, if you look really close, you can see the dock where Jack, Kate, Sawyer and Hurley were captured by The Others
The photo below doubled for at least 2 different places. They used the inside for Jin's Dad's house. The outside was used when Mr. Ecko was selling drugs.
These photos are on the other side of the building above. This area was also used for scenes in "Tears of the Sun"
Above is the dock for Hydra Island and below is the infamous Darma Sub! :)
Above is Richard's home . . . where his wife died. The photo below is from a set for a movie they just finished shooting. It's a sequal to "Journey to the Center of the Earth"
Me sitting on the log AnnaLucia sat on while talking to Goodwin, just before they got into a fight resulting in Goodwin's death.
The tower that held the atom bomb is still there! Interestingly it was also the communication tower where Jack called the freighter from . . . . they just filmed from a different angle.
The Atlantis set . . . . .
Above is the hill Hurley used to jump start the old 1960's VW van. Of course if Hurley was there today, he'd push the van into the Atlantis set. :)
Below is the view just to the left of Hurley's hill. If you watch the first or second episode . . . where Jack, Kate and Charlie are going to find the cockpit, you'll see this exact view.
Any direction you look, Hawaii is beautiful!!
They also filmed scenes from Godzilla in this location. Can you find the 4 Godzilla footprints in the photo below. I have to admit it took me a long time to find them . . . . and I was there!
The last 4 photo's were taken by the tour guide. He had a lot of fun photo ops! However the tour guide, who was an extra in "LOST" and many movies, was not impressed with my acting abilities . . . . or I should say, lack of acting abilities.
Giving Hurley a push . . . . .
Being chased by a polar bear
Giving Hurley a kiss. And my favorite, shooting at the smoke monster!